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Schedule a Dumpster Pickup

Follow these simple steps to get your dumpster picked up:

Request a Pickup Date

Still have more to toss? Call us at 855-378-9829 to schedule a pickup and get another dumpster.

Receive Confirmation

A customer service representative will confirm your pickup date within the next business day.

Prepare for Pickup

Be sure to prep the dumpster and and the surrounding area for pickup to avoid any fees.

Reach Out With Any Questions

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

Provide Pickup Details

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Tips to Prepare for Container Removal

How to Avoid a Missed Pickup

Follow these tips to make sure we can pick up your container and avoid a trip fee.

Make sure the dumpster door is latched and secured.

Avoid going over the covered weight limit specified in your agreement.

Check that the material doesn't stick our over the top or sides of the dumpster.

Keep the area around the dumpster clear and accessible on pickup day.

Our services run from early morning to late evening Monday through Friday. We'll accommodate your schedule as best we can, but cannot guarantee a specific pickup time.

How to Avoid Other Charges

Extension Fee

Request a pickup date that falls on or before the last day of your rental agreement to avoid extension fees.

Overage Fee

Remember your weight limit. The landfill charges a fee for exceeding the tonnage specified in your agreement. Use our calculator to get a rough estimate.

Cancel Fee

If you need to cancel or change your pickup date, let us know before 3 p.m. the business day before your scheduled service to prevent cancellation fees.