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How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Green Homes Are In

Home is where the heart is, along with a plethora of energy-guzzling appliances, drafty windows and the echoing sound of dripping faucets. Ridding yourself of pesky problems like these will have you saving energy at home in no time. 

Modern homes are built with increasingly greener designs, which means increasing your home’s energy efficiency is essential to increasing its value. Follow these home energy saving tips to not only sell higher and faster one day, but also reduce your carbon footprint and save money on energy bills.

Switch to Energy-Efficient Lighting

Lasting 10 times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) use 75% less energy. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) contain no mercury and will last even longer than CFLs. These new lighting technologies may cost you more at time of purchase, but will save money on energy bills down the road and especially during the winter when lights are used more often.

Additionally, consider installing timers to reduce electricity costs and remember to turn off the lights before leaving a room.

Insulate Your Home and Seal Drafts

One of the most cost-effective ways to conserve energy at home is replacing wall insulation. Preventing drafts in common areas like attics, window frames, electrical outlets and window-mounted air conditioners will significantly reduce energy costs. Weather stripping and window seals are an easy fix to keep heating and cooling costs down.

Conserve Water at Home

Water is arguably the most precious resource for human life. With that in mind, saving energy at home should also consist of conserving water wherever possible. 

Begin with simply turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth. Try taking a cold shower, especially in the summer months, to reduce energy bills from heating water. Take it a step further and install low-flow showerheads and toilets to conserve water usage.  

Wait until you have a full load of dishes or clothing to wash. A small or medium load wastes water and energy, even if your washers are Energy Star-rated. For laundry that is not-so dirty, cut energy usage by washing with cooler temperatures.

Unplug Electronics When Not in Use

Saving energy at home can be as simple as unplugging your phone charger when not in use. Most home offices resemble a jungle of plugs and wires. Plug your Energy Star-rated laptop, printer and all other electronics into one power strip. When not in use, simply flick the strip off and voila – no wasted energy!

Replace Outdated Appliances

Installing Energy Star-rated appliances in your home is a surefire way to increase home energy efficiency.
Your refrigerator, for example, is one of the most frequently opened doors of your house. We are all guilty of gazing long and lovingly into the fridge for an answer to our hunger pains. Saving energy at home can be as simple as knowing what you need before opening the refrigerator door, keeping the inside and rear vents clean and moderating the temperature level.

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Update Your HVAC System and Reduce Usage

Allow natural light to heat a space in winter months to significantly reduce heating costs. In the summer months or warmer climates, planting shady landscaping like trees and large bushes will block UV rays from beaming through your windows, thus saving you on cooling costs. 

“If you're using an old heater or air conditioner, it is probably using more energy than its energy-efficient counterpart. Investing in a new heating/cooling system could bring down your electric bills by up to 20% right away.”
Rinkesh Kukreja, Founder & Editor | Conserve Energy Future

Audit Your Energy Efficiency

Find out how to make your home more energy efficient with home energy saving tips personalized for your home. A home energy analysis by a professional contractor will provide you with a list of cost-effective improvements to increase home energy efficiency.

“Schedule energy-efficiency audit to check as to where your home currently stand in terms of energy efficiency. This will help you to figure out as to which parts of your home needs your immediate attention. Some potential energy saving tips could result in significant cost savings for you.”
Rinkesh Kukreja, Founder & Editor | Conserve Energy Future

Looking to make your home more energy efficient with a larger-scale project? Learn how to rent a dumpster to make the debris removal process easier.  


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