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Mary McDonough

Content Specialist

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Orange Divider

Current Role

As a content specialist for Dumpsters.com, I write DIY content for homeowners and helpful information on how to rent a dumpster. I also have the opportunity to discover new things and get a better understanding of different cities nationwide by researching all of the locations where we provide service.

Past Experience

My previous experience has been focused on the journalism industry — 3+ years in SEO, blogging and copyediting — with a niche in copyediting. After graduating from Northern Michigan University with a degree in writing and a minor in journalism, I worked as a freelance copy editor, primarily focused on clients in higher education.

Outside of Work

When I’m not writing about dumpsters, you can find me attempting a new baking experiment from Pinterest, reading and writing plays, watching classic movies or drinking too much coffee while I play Sims 4.